Monday, January 05, 2015

A New Year, New Focus

A new year always brings the chance to refocus on neglected areas of our lives, and I welcome the chance here at the start of 2015.  In fact, for the last couple of months, I've been trying to begin the process of getting my "ducks" in a row for putting new "systems" into place.  Our house will never be fully clear of clutter, but I've slowly been ridding myself of extra stuff in the last few months; and with the start of a new year, a new lists of clutter hotspots are on the agenda.  With this new focus on systems and being more productive, it was only right that my word of the year for 2015 correspond with this focus.  Last year, my word was all about spiritual growth, and I do believe I succeeded in that area of my life during 2014.  But this year is all about the practical.  All about making my everyday simpler, and at the same time fuller.  
The word of the year 2015 for me will be STREAMLINE.

Streamline my belongings, my time, my commitments, etc.  You name it, I want to streamline it.  Granted, I don't expect to become Martha Stewart (who would want to anyway?!), but I do expect to make real progress this year on simplifying some things.  Wish me luck!!

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